Sunday, March 31, 2013

It's here!

So we just got done celebrating a wonderful Ressurection Sunday! It was filled with food, fellowship and a whole lot of fun. I have to be honest with you all though because that is what this blog is really all about -brutal honesty. I'M EXHAUSTED!!! Today has been amazing but honestly, I think I can hear my pillow calling my name!

Baby, "Elijah" and or baby, "Abigail" is in 6 weeks gestation and is making Mommy feel all the more wiped out on this great day! But it's all worth it! I have finally hit the, "Morning Sickness" stage. I typically will begin feeling ill at night. Unfortunately though this morning in hit me some but I made it and got to enjoy the day. We had a wonderful service! Following that was a bit of a Sunday nap (THANKFULLY) when we got home Elliana was pooped as well and so ready to catch some Z's so it worked out awesome.

Meanwhile my husband had to leave to visit a family that had just expereinced an unfortunate loss of a dear family member. If any of you reading this out there are connected to this family in any way, you know who they are -our deepest condolences go out to you all. Sometimes we may not understand what God is doing and that's okay but let us, in the midst of that always remember never to forget who He IS.

Well, in other news, Spring has sprung! Well...sort of. Our family when out to Lowes the other day to do some landscaping/garden shopping and we came home and had a fun time in the front yard watching Daddy landscape the yard and put the flowers in, Elli had a fantastic time playing in the dirt and checking out worms of course! Mommy had fun sun bathing with baby in the rocking chair we've got out there, enjoying the sun and the smell of fresh bloomed life and my ears just tickled with the sounds of Spring.
We got everything planted and in place and looking beautiful and then a few days later just out of the blue hail came falling out of the sky the clouds hover over, the rain starts to pour and the birds go into hiding for a few hours. And come to find out...they may be into hiding for the next few days! We didn't see that coming! At least I didn't anyway. Looks like we may have to make a trip up to Lowes all over again. Maybe Spring has sprung but it's just decided it wants to hang out with old man winter a few more weeks? I don't know we'll see!

Has Spring come and visited you where you are long enough to do some yardwork with the fam? What was your Easter like? In the next post I'll be talking about my very first prenatal appointment with our little baby so stay tuned!

One diaper at a time,

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