Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tina's Blog World

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It's Potty Time!

You heard right! Elliana has now hopped aboard the potty training wagon. . . 

-So was the case for the FIRST time at around 15 months-

-We attempted homeschooling for the first time around that time too.-

(Both semi? Failed attempts).

Now Elliana is soon to be 3! That little baby in my tummy is no longer using my ribs as HER jungle gym! 10 month old Abigail has chosen the, "scooting" method of crawling. Who knew your butt could get you around so quickly! 

Elliana's potty training back when she was literally toddling came to a sorry halt as baby Abigail's birth got closer and closer to approaching. Unfortunately, we had to put her back in diapers. (I know, bad move right?) BUT we are climbing aboard the potty training wagon once again this time in style!!!

*Insert cute picture of your kid here in "big" girl Dora panties to boost your ego.*

Wish I could! But I  am in need of a new camera! Thanks for your patience! (Sorry!).

Elliana is doing great though ladies! (Somedays heh.) 
I would say she is in that in between stage. One day she'll decide nope, not ready and go slipping back into her diaper. Another day she'll act like she knows nothing of what a diaper even is and come storming out of her room with a proud grin on her face waddling her poopy self to momma all while clutching tightly in her lanky fingers her most prized possession: "Big" girl Dora The Explorer Underwear! Mommy! I want to wear!" 

Now that baby Abigail has hit the 10 month mark potty training is starting to get quite a bit easier. When she was fresh out of my womb I was strutting around with urinary incontinence myself! Mom tip number 1: Never try to potty train your kid after popping out a kid. Just a fair word of caution to all of you considering trying that! After giving birth you hurt and leak in places you didn't know existed. Get used to potty training yourself before your kids! 

Pray for me as the scary intimidating poop and pee filled days (and dirty laundry hampers) continue to haunt me! 

One diaper ( or pair of "big" girl undies (; ) at a time, 
